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Áú¹®¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´äº¯ Occasionally I might use this datum to help me get off the fence. Forinstance, were I faced with deciding if a cell is a koilocyte or a"boat cell", if I knew the patient was still in the proliferativephase of her cycle, I may nudge her over to the ASC-US category. Also,as you alluded to, I ay be less inclined to use the hated AGUScategory if I know the patient could be normally shedding endometrium. The bottom line is whether the pathologist finds the informationuseful. If you and your colleagues never find it useful, then there isno reason to require it. OTOH, if it is useful to you, then theclinician needs to give you the information. The responsibility forthe interpretation is yours and yours alone, and unless the clinicianwishes to accept partial culpability for your errors, he or she needsto cooperate with you in good faith |